playing cards, ace, card game

Sarngapani Club – Good to Great

All four of them attended a business conference titled “From Good to Great”. They were all very impressed with the speaker and imbibed a lot of good thoughts and ideas and decided to work on it so that they can move forward in the right direction.”

Kaushik said that whatever was discussed in the conference was applicable even to the bridge team. We always enter a tournament thinking that if we qualify, we have done a great job. The reality is you have just taken the first step towards greatness. One should think big and not be satisfied with just qualifying for play-offs in a tournament.

Padma concurred with Kaushik and stressed the importance of being positive. Even if we had couple of bad rounds, we must remain positive and keep working towards qualifying for play offs.. Prabha was eager to express her point which was along Padma’s thoughts – We must have self-belief that we can win every match. If we enter a match feeling we will lose and just go through the motions, we are guaranteed to lose.

Kingo as usual, had a very different view. It is about being confident and displaying it at the table. The way we sit at the table, the way we converse and how we make eye contact with the opponents are important. If you make good eye contact, make confident alerts/bids and play confidently even when going down -They  that will unnerve the opponents.

Since everyone agreed, they decided to work on a plan to be successful keeping the above factors in mind. The first item they said was to set goals for the team so that we can measure how we performed against the goals. The second aspect they agreed to do was to measure unforced errors and track the corrective actions to closure. They all agreed that mistakes can always happen at the Bridge table, but one should avoid making the same mistake a second time.

The next point they all agreed was they should not get worried about experimenting new ideas as they will be stepping-stone to success. It is OK if a couple of experiments end in disaster but if the experiment outcome is used positively, it will be a step towards success.

They finally agreed to implement the above in action and had a hi-five amongst themselves to show their positive energy


Goofy enjoyed this discussion as he was always confident, positive and never afraid of trying new things. They are talking about it, we do it every day.