Bridge Pathshala

Sarangapani Club: Passion

Kaushik was very serious mood as he was tasked by the local Bridge association with responsibility for Bridge Education. He was completely lost on how to go about it and requested for help from Kingo, Padma and Prabha.

Everyone was smirking as it was the first time Kaushik sought help on any Bridge related activity. It was Padma who broke the silence saying, “Kaushik, we need to focus on creating awareness of the game. Many people don’t know about this game and there are lots of incorrect perceptions of the game – it is an old man’s game; it is too complex to learn and the usual misconception it is related to gambling as it is a card game.”

Kingo who worked in marketing department told Kaushik, “Use social media to create awareness and marketing campaign for Bridge. Easier said than done. You have to create the videos/images- they must be short and appealing and that may attract some people.”

Prabha was more down to earth and said how about putting up something on school and college notice boards. We will need to visit them and request them for permission to put it on their notice boards. They may agree or not agree based on their perception of the game.

Kaushik said he has do something which will start on a small scale and build as we grow as there are no funds for marketing. He had to bootstrap and build the organization. Kingo encouraged him with his booming voice, “You should not be put off with the initial difficulties and growing pains. You have a terrific strength called Passion for the game and that will help you overcome all difficulties.” He then suggested that it might be a god idea to get some small donations from all local bridge players to help us get started.

Padma added, “Passion is what gives you boundless energy, intense almost single-minded focus and the willpower to overcome even the most daunting obstacles. You have the passion and you can count on us for help and I will commit Rs. 1,000 as a starter. Everyone agreed to contribute and help.

Kaushik thanked them for their encouraging words, and he said he will seek assistance from time to time to get some work done. Everyone agreed that it was a tough assignment but not an impossible one. With Passion on their side, success was sure to follow.


Goofy loved this discussion as he literally chased his passions every day. Any vehicle or stranger in the vicinity of his kennel was chased by him. He enjoys doing it.